Hi, I'm Mahirah
Couldn't agree more to the above picture! :D
So it's 10days away to christmas..
I'm not celebrating the festive but I'm happy when this festive comes.
It's a joyful festive afterall! :)
It's been days since I've blogged.
Not that I'm busy or lazy.
Okay, maybe I was lazy but the fact beneath the truth is I was sick :(
Oh, I'm still sick.
But it isn't as bad as it was when I was sick on the first day..
Let's not spoil the post by saying anything more about being s--k.
It's my holiday~
Although it's only 2week, I'm still happy.
A break is all I need right now.
Maybe not really.
Since there are school work to be done during the holiday.
Anyways, it is my HOLIDAY~
There's plenty of things I wanna do.
Read fanfics, watch at least 4 movies, meet-up sessions with friends, play at least 7 different online games and stay fit ^^
I'm going to nap soon.
Like a pig.
I just ate nasi briyani.
For those who doesn't know what it looks like..
It's this-->
It's this-->
credits: Flickr
I forgot to took a picture of my meal so I need to find it from the website.