Monday, May 16, 2011

i show my true self

Hi, I'm Mahirah.
i cut my hair, i cut my hair!

Fact one: 
The problem with me is I am not afraid to show my true self towards people I feel really comfortable with.
I will get angry, annoyed and make them feel guilty when they do something which makes me angry.
That's the way I show my care for someone.
Weird right?
Oh well.
I was born this way.
Quarrels and personal spaces make my realise who worth being my friends.

Fact two:
My heart heals faster as compared to others.
I move on quickly from a broken heart.
I do.
I sound like a bitch, but who cares?
I mean what do I get from crying?
It's not like I don't cry after getting my heart broken.
I do cry.
I do reminisces sweet memories and be a silly teenager who does cry over a love story which I thought it would last till the end.
I do cry but the tears I let go seems to be the last tears of sadness over something.
The next time, I cry.
It would be tears of happiness.

Fact three:
I always do what's right.
I don't side others but I do what's right.
It doesn't matter if that person used to be a bitch or an attention seeker who I hate so much that I dislike just by looking at his/ her face, I will do what's right.
That's me.
You may be my friend, but once you're wrong, I believe that you should make things right again.

So I'll start writing down 3facts about me everytime I post something new :)
Thanks for reading my blog.
The popularity of this blog is insane I tell ya.
Oh, very happy to know that UK people are reading my blog.
I'm so going to UK when I'm rich ^^

It's my e-learning week :)
Done with my first work and doing another one tmr!
I guess I mixed around with the right people that's why I am always making the right decision.
I'm going to have a sexy body soon ^^
I'm not sexy at all.
But I'm going to have a fit, slender body.
Been working out regularly.
I can't wait for HOLIDAYS ^^
I wanna help my friends lose some fats. 
Aww, I'm such a nice friend.

Btw, I've been hearing this song lately and I really love the lyrics :)
I hope you'll enjoy listening to it.

So I'll end my post with my self-made quote.

Only if you believe then you will be making miracles in your life.
So make a change in your life by making your own beliefs <3
It's never too late for anything.

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

Hi, I have no idea who is reading this. If you love to sew, DIY and see random unboxing, it will be great if you can subscribe to my chan...
