Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy 18th Birthday SISTER!

Finally, my elder sister turns 18 this year.
I hope she'll has a great future ahead of her and everything mistake she has done in the past few years make her a wiser and matured person.

Some idiots asked me whether I am in a relationship.
Then I replied them "Nope. Haha. Why? KPO!"
I can't believe that more male friends of mine are much more KPO than my female friends.
The reason why i put I'm in a relationship was because Fendi 's my fucking sandal right now.
Oh pretty ladies that happened to like fendi.
You can flirt with him for all you want.
Cause I'm just a scandal.

"Why pretend you're OK when you're not? Why said you're fine and give me that face? I rather bear wih your mood than you trying to be cool about it"
Yes, I know.
I'm sorry Rid for saying that to you.
I'm in a scandal relationship with your best friend.
How do you feel about it?

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

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