Let's do this!
Hey! It is almost 12am here and I am still awake. Let me finish this post and I'll get to bed soon enough. I wanted to upload two other projects which I had finished long long time ago. However, as usual I forgot to document them. Anyways, one of them I made using a pattern from a Japanese book and another was a pyjamas for my mom. I think I can skip on teaching you how to make them. LOL.
Today, I will be teaching you how to make your own skater dress. HEHE.
Fabric (slightly stretchy) 1.5m-2m
Sewing machine
Skater skirt pattern:
When it comes to sewing a skirt, your waist measurement is the most important thing. Hence, always have your waist measurement recorded before starting on a skirt project! Afterwards, you can use this app/website to create your own pattern!
App/Website: http://byhandlondon.com/pages/circle-skirt-app
Since it is a circle skirt, you have to click on the FULL.
Let me show you an example:
Then it will show you have your skirt pattern should be like
Top pattern:
Take your favourite Dress or Top
Fold it into half.
Trace out the bodice. (I did not trace out the whole length of the top but only to wear I want the bodice to end)
am very lazy to make a pattern for both the front and back bodice hence
I decided to roughly draw a curve at the neck line to differentiate the
front and back of the bodice. (The first curve is an alteration to the
back bodice)
Then I snip off the first curve which will be my back bodice neckline.
In case you have no idea what I was talking about. I labelled for you! (For this piece, the neckline for the front isn't so low, the curve is much nearer to the back)
Draft out the sleeve (In this case, I want a short sleeve).
Cutting the fabric:
Front x 1
Back x 1
Sleeve x 2
Skirt x 1
Rectangle piece (20" by 4") x 2
Assembling the pieces:
1. Sew the shoulder area together.
2. Attach the sleeves to the armhole and sew.
3. Sew the opening ends to close the sleeve.
4. Sew down to the side seam line however leave about 2" open.
5. Sew the rectangle piece to make a tube (~20" by 2").
6. Overturn the tube with the right side facing you.
7. Attach each tube to the openings of the side seam and sew.
8. Sew the skirt to the top.
9. Hem the neckline and sleeve.
10. Pin the lace to the hem of the skirt and sew it as a decoration.
So how did my dress went?
There wasn't enough lace for the hem. So I went online to order some and of course, I won't be using the same lace shown on the picture since I managed to find even prettier lace. HAHA. I will show the new result of the dress with the new lace I bought on my next post (hopefully)!!! I guess the lace above can be used for another project! YAY!
Lots and lots of love from me~~~~