Tuesday, December 8, 2015


My machine needs a personal space.

It's been over a year since I've last posted anything. This proves how much of an "active" blogger I am. I told myself over and over again I should blog since blogging is/was my social platform. Guess who's turning to be an unsociable idiot? (NOT ME OF COURSE!)

New year is coming in exactly 21 days. There will be some changes within my blog for new year. I know you're probably be like: yeah, right. As if she's going to blog so often. She lies all the time. I really am, really am excited for the change! The new upcoming blog will have more elements which focus on -
  • Sewing journal
  • Photography journal
  • Drama recap
  • Book recommendation + reflection
  • Domo + Toothless adventure

Please be excited for me!

Do come back in 21 days, I promise you'll be entering a magical site!

Resolution wish for 2016 is becoming an active blogger.

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

Hi, I have no idea who is reading this. If you love to sew, DIY and see random unboxing, it will be great if you can subscribe to my chan...
