Sunday, October 30, 2011


Hi, I'm Mahirah.
I'll be away for days :(

Hey guys, I  feel that I should write out a short post since I'll be away from Singapore soon and I havent been blogging much. :(
I don't feel like going. :/
I just wanna rest at home, eat snacks, chat with friends, stalk celebs and tumblr, not to forget, to tweet all day :(
No matter how much I procrastinate, I still have to go.
Afterall it's school matters.
I'll blog about the trip when I'll back.
Till then fellow stalkers of mine.
Enjoy pictures that I steal from TUMBLR.

Dear ELFs,
please don't forget to vote for super junior for GDA :)
I hope there's wifi then i can tumblr. hehe :D

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

Hi, I have no idea who is reading this. If you love to sew, DIY and see random unboxing, it will be great if you can subscribe to my chan...
