Friday, October 29, 2010


Hi, I'm Mahirah.

I wish my skin was flawless.

Yesterday POA lesson wasn't boring.
I learnt lots of new things.
I hope POA isn't going to be very tough.
Went bus home with Alicia , then accompanied her to buy dog's food.
Was supposed to meet Amir & Faiz but didn't because I was too lazy.
Faiz saddening right?
Haha, went to Amir house to meet me but then I didn't come down to meet both of you.
Yes, I'm such a _______ (anything that sounds comfortable for you:)
Today was the first lesson of LMS.
Didn't really talked much with anyone.
Was busying chatting and facebooking.
I hope this sems of IS will be as fun as IJS.
I seriously miss my former IJS mates:D:D:D
<3 THEM alot.
GRR, if only i didn't plan to go CCA, i would be meeting Amir, Faiz and Rid to play drum. :(
Oh well, at least I get to joke around with Irfaniah.

Faiz: Eh, kau dengan gay partner aku amacam?
Me: Huh? Entah. We cam gitu gini gitu like that.
Both laughs.
Faiz: Maham lah korang.
Me: What maham?
Faiz: you plus him= maham.
Me: Kiwak, name takleh burok lagi pe?
Faiz: Ade lagi burok, ni lah terbest untuk korang.
Me: Thanks. You're so nice to think of a couple name for us.
Faiz: Of course. What am I right?
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Both giggles.

HAHA, stupid Faiz.
What a name for Amir and me.
Now, rid also called us MAHAM.

Have to get ready in 2hours time to meet Irfaniah and go CCA after exploring scarefest.
Oh, not to forget, Happy 17th Birthday to Carlisle :D

ehm... should i colour my hair?

think. think.

think harder.
yeah, maybe in 2months time, i'll dye my hair.

love for my friends.


now. what?


bluek. kay lame.

love again. this time for Amir.
Thanks for being such a nice BBF

I know what Amir would say.
Amir: Small EYES.



look at how large my house is and how lonely i am.
yes, i'm very lonely now.

things to buy:
SS3 tix

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
wish right now

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

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