Sunday, January 31, 2010

i still do

I still miss you.
yes you.
he's such a nice guy.
cause he's nice, i don't want him.
why make it so complicated?
yes, i like to make things complicated.
he likes me, i like him but i don't want him.
mahirah oh mahirah.
I'm glad to be going out later.
if not, i'm going to be stuck and engrossed with my long untouch computer.
or maybe stuffing myself with food.
food that has been in the fridge -uncook, raw yet fresh.
making new recipe(s) and eat the food up all by myself.
ahhhh, that's the life i'll be going through when i'm off day from work.
this month's fav song : let's just fall in love again
Nezt week Schedule:
Mon: work(4pm-12am)
Tues: work attachment at RC :) (5pm-11pm)
Wed: free
Thurs: am i working?
Fri: work?
Sat: work?

so book me early kay. hehe.
haziq, stop smsing me like that leh?
you're such a bastard but i don't want to be the bitch.
sayang abang haziq ku.

meeting up bestie today.
i'll be going shopping.

The present is a rope stretched over the past. The secret to walking it is, you never look down.

the end.

Friday, January 29, 2010

it's wonderful

Today is my store's spring cleaning.
But, i'm at home cause i'm doing opening tomorrow:(
how sad.
today, zana came down to store:}
hehe, miss talking to her.
oh, i really like her when she tie up her hair way up high.
hehe, cam budak baik. :)
yesterday finally, my POS has a cash pull.
yesterday, work was crazy thanks to atikah, and my immatured manager called nad.
meeting my bestie tomorrow.
though things were tough, work makes me laugh, haziq makes me feel love, amir makes me feel full and bestie is there for me, now how can i not feel happy although things never happen to be my way?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

work, work, work

it sounds insane.
but yesterday i work at holland viallge then go back to bukit panjang.
did closing.
then manager treat joelyn and me.:)
i can't believe that alot of managers had been going in and out of bukit panjang.
then today i'll be taking zizi's shift to do closing again.
won't it be tiring?
yes, i'm tired but i'm still working to forget all the shits i have done.
yes i know i'm not a good friend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


damn it.
stop with your sarcastic sms zulhilmi.
you must be enjoying it.
or whatever.
what with the word lonely.
i just sms you cause i got free sms and as a friend.
but i don't think you take me as your friend.
fine, since you like to be sarcastic, so be it.
you're out of my life.
don't worry, i won't sms you again asking you how's work/ day/ or whatever fucking shit.
thanks for everything.
i suck and i know cause i keep on losing friends.
and oh dear bestie, i wonder if you're my best friend.
kay bye.
today will be a suckish day.

Monday, January 25, 2010


me: haziq oh haziq.why you so horny?
he : no i'm not horny. haha. only when i sms you , i horny. eh girl, kau tak sedih ke? hehehe!
me: oi. tating lah. why you so bad sia. haha. kawan kau jugak yg tanye aku tu. haha.
he: erhm.... kawan aku? yes sah, die kawan aku. tapi best uh sentence tu. kau tak nangis bile bace sms aku? hehe!
me: hahahaha. buat pe nak nangis. kau yg sms buat pe nak sedih seh. kalau die lain lah cerite. haha

kay peeps, that's all i can reveal to you. hahaha
who's this guy haziq?
i'm not close to him.
have we hang out?
yeah, only once. and that's a fucking long time.
:DD when he's hair was like botak???
what's his facebook?
wait, i don't know if i add him.
but i'm not planning to add him.
i'm not going to add friends anymore, i'll just accept friend request.
how have i been?
i've been coping well from that incident.
but i still think of him at times.
especially when i'm alone in the bus to work.
work has been great.
why cause in the morning there's no slamming.
gah, kinda boring though.
i miss my starbucks' s mommy.
i hope she's doing well.
that's all people.
oh2, i got a drama to recommend to J-Drama lovers.
it's Tokyo Dogs.

to Shun Oguri and Hiro Mizushima fans you should watch it.
cause the story is hilarious and both of them are the main casts.
plus2, you can see the charming and adorable, as well as, cool side of them.

the end

Saturday, January 23, 2010

my dream phone

Oh fuck.
how long has it been since i last bought new phone?
i want this phone.
so tell me peeps, which is better?
N5530 or N5800 expressMusic?



i can only own one of these after two months?

Friday, January 22, 2010


What's up people?
it seems like i'm in a GOOD mood.
eh why eh?
cause i manage to get 12hours of sleep.
and when i woke up my face was bloated.
that reminds me of the gorgeous Lee Hyo-ri.
she always has a bloated face after waking up.
ahhh, how cute is that?
Oh my gosh, i can't wait for next week.
cause i'm getting my 2nd pay and go shopping.
and and,not to forget eat sushi!
oh dang, bestie doesn't like sushi that much....
nvm, i'll treat her to kaya-toast or eat at Mr.Teh-Tarik.
make a day alrite bestie.
why is my title Ohitorisama?
it's a Japanese drama that i've just recently finished watching.
the drama is adapted from a manga.
which probably the storyline will be funny and the casts would be KAWAII.
and the drama is hilarious and cute!
for those who like Teppei and Big Bang, you should watch it.
cause teppei is the main cast.
and the song is from big bang 3rd mini album.
the song is fantastic ,people , you'll get addicted to it.


.the end.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"Eh girl. kau tak sedih ke?"
yes, i'm fucking sad and hate myself for thinking that i'm not serious about you.
hey boy, it's over between us right?
but why does it feels like we've let go of each other only yesterday?
if only there's a reset button.
a reset button for me to press and start all over again with you.
it's been four days straight that i've been crying myself to sleep.
it's hard for me.
but i think it's much more harder for you ye boy?
ah fuck.

Monday, January 18, 2010

am i happy or sad?

if you were to ask me how's life.
i'll probably said it's been great.
cause hell yeah it's been great.
cause starbucks make me meet new friends and all sort of different people.
but i lied when i said it's great.
caused my life ain't that great.
caused i'm still fucking confused over my love life.
ah fuck.
bye to you
and thanks for everything.
i'll end it here.
thanks for reading.

it's been 1year and almost 3months we've been friends.
what a sad ending we have ye?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Kang In

what's day is it today?
it's Kang In's 25th birthday!
happy birthday kang in oppa.
let's look at him.


i had enough of you. that's the end. and it'll be the end.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

what have i've been doing?

so what have i've been up to lately?
been super busy with work.
oh, i'm not a workalcoholic.
although work makes me weary, i still manage to slot some time to hang out with my dearest:)
Been hanging out with bestie, rid, faiz and amir.
i seriously love them!
if i'm not working, and i'm way fucking lazy to go out.
i'm busy watching videos at youtube and mysoju.
so what drama am i watching right now?
It's the lovable and funny 'real clothes'.
real clothes is an adapted manga.
so the drama is funny and entertaining.
can't wait for episode 10 and 11.
i hope by feb, the videos will be uploaded:)
i'm planning to watch 'Hi, my sweetheart' on feb.
oh man, i can't wait to watch show lou in drama.
i'm going to plan a day with sakinah.
kay bile tu?
i think i'll find a time for her on late jan/ early feb?
sabar kay girl.
ouh, wahidah.
are we meeting next week?
i hope we do.
i miss you.

i'm glad that tv8 showing this drama.
really love this drama and the songs:)
and i can't wait to watch 'down with love'

a recommended drama to watch my peeps.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

my choice

here's a screenshot of my 12 choices:)

tomorrow's my bar test.
i hope i'll pass.

the end.

Monday, January 11, 2010


i got my O level result today.
and oh my god.
i thought i would fail my english.
i got C6 for english.
haha, fucking lucky sia .
oh2, so how much did i get?
hehe, proud to tell you there's 2A's, 3B's and 1C.
you may said i didn't do well.
but personally for me, i feel i did great.
cause i'm the best among my siblings.
and my amaths was fucking unexpected.
as for my malay, i manage to upgrade one grade.
baik pe?
love you people that are reading this post rite now.
the end.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i'm not that panick.

firstly, i would like to thank those people who sms me and told me that O level result will be release on mon.
Oh fuck.
monday which is like only 5days away?!
oh dear! but i'm not panick.
cause i'm too exhausted to think about result.
However, i seriously hope that i'll do well:)
gah! doing closing tomorrow.
it's okay.
cause i love my job.
working at starbucks is fun.
i'll end it here.

love my riddymonster.

Friday, January 1, 2010

family outing (korean variety show)

Family outing is SBS korean's variety show.
The main MC is Yoo Jae suk.

the rest of the family members are Lee Hyo Ri

Yoon Jong Shin

kim so roo

kang dae sung

kim jong kook

lee chun hee park ye jin

however lee chun hee and park ye jin left the family after 1year(june08 to june 09)

the two new members that replace them are

park hae jin
park si yeon

they came into the family from ep54 onwards.

Basically in this show, the family will be going to an elderly's village/ home.
they will take care of the elderly property for 2days and 1night.
each episode, there will be guest(s) coming along with the family to complete the task(s) given by the owner of the village/home.
this variety show will never fails to make you laugh.
i've only watched episode 1-53.
it's a fun and touching show to watch.
especially for ep52-53, whereby it's the last day for chun hee and ye jin, the show turns out to be sad and touching.


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