Phew, I almost forgot to write a post for this month.
Hey guys~ I purchased some fabric online and I cannot wait to get my hands on them. HEHE!
It's been forever since I've last sew. I miss sewing so much! I can't wait!!!
Yesterday, I went to Daiso with my younger sister and bought few items.
I felt like painting because I didn't want to waste my long weekend without doing any DIY.
So I ended up buying a pack of square wood.
I was actually worried that my acrylic paint would not work well with the wood.
Thankfully, my worry was for nothing.
Instead, painting over the wood made them pretty.
However, I screwed up so badly while writing the first quote over the paint. LOL.
Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the outcome.
As the title said, I have decided to make a list of my reads for the 1st Quarter.
If you're wondering if it was hard for me to name the list, nope is the answer but numbering the list was super difficult for me.
Anyways, I still managed to list down my top 5 favourite reads~
5. Falling Kingdoms series By Morgan Rhodes | Genre: YA Fantasy | 6 Books
If you are a sucker for YA Fantasy, I believe this series is something you may love. What I really like about this series is the writing style. I really really really love reading POV of main characters. It allows me to feel closer to the characters and at the same time makes me think and try to understand a character's decision, behavior or feeling. The plot is predictable and yet unpredictable which I favor a lot when it comes to a book. Every time the book ends, it leaves me wanting more. I've read 4 books in the series and I cannot wait to get my hands on the 5th one. Also, the last book is coming this year! I can't~
4. An Ember in the Ashes series By Sabaa Tahir | Genre: YA Fantasy | 4 Books
When it comes to this series, I have to say it has many beautiful phrases. I love how distinctive each characters are. Also, I absolutely impressed with the way she portrays The Commandant. I swear she is like the most hated fictional character I've ever read, she is just so cruel. I've never thought there's a character who can win Dolores Umbridge! The magical element in this series is unique and I just want to know more. I've read the first 2 books and I cannot wait for the 3rd book to come which is in 2 years time! I believe it is worth waiting.
3. Illuminae files By Amie Kaufman & Jay Krisoff | Genre: YA Sci-Fi | Trilogy
This series is by far the most unique writing style- It gives me galaxy and robotic feels while reading them. The plot is special on its own and I just love that fact alone. The humor in the plot is wonderfully written amidst of the chaos that is going on in the book. I know some people do not like Sci-Fi genre but I think Illuminae is such a great book that you should give it a try despite not liking the genre itself. This series is a trilogy and I've read 2 books. The last book will be out next year. Yay!
2. The Raven Boys series By Maggie Stiefvater | Genre: YA Fantasy | 4 Books (Completed)
This series is amazing and I love everything about this series! All of the main characters are contrasting, complex and yet so endearing. The plot may be a little difficult to apprehend in the beginning but you will find yourself so absorb, you cannot stop reading, then it is coming to an end and everything that happened in the beginning makes perfect sense! This series is so good that I think about it all the time. You will love this series if you are into a book surrounding smart, intelligent, badass boys.To be honest, I was afraid this series won't be to my liking but I was so glad to pick it up from the library and then I ended up being obsessed with it! Ahhh~ My feels~
1. Red Rising trilogy By Pierce Brown | Genre: A Sci-Fi | Trilogy (Completed)
I cried at every book in this trilogy. I don't really cry over books which explains why this trilogy is number 1 on this list. This trilogy makes my heart wrenches for Darrow, the main protagonist. I love how he isn't perfect at all and I can understand him even though he makes the wrong decisions. It is a dystopian setting with Sci-Fi. The plot is remarkable and extraordinary. I can visualise the world Darrow is in and how imperfect and wrong that world/ system is. People who love dystopian might consider reading this trilogy because the plot is unique and Pierce Brown is such an amazing writer who deserves more recognition for his masterpiece- Red Rising.

Photos Credit: Google
TBR May:
Shadowhunters Academy
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Lunar Chronicles- Winter