Friday, July 15, 2011


Hi, I'm Mahirah.
A picture taken at 12.32am.

OMG! It's been a LONG time since I last blog!
Been so busy with school, nap, food and drama, I almost forgot to blog for the rest of the month! 
Yes, I'm a very HAPPY GIRL now!
Although school's assignments are piling up, I am still HAPPY and CAREFREE!
You know why?
In exactly 7days, I'll be 18 ^^
I can't wait to see my presents.
*Shameless mode*
So yesterday, my class went to a field trip for my cross-cultural module at a Foreign Dormitory located at Jalan Papan!
I enjoyed the trip as I am able to observe, reflect and appreciate life.
If I have an opportunity, I would love to explore on a much worse living condition for foreign workers in Singapore. :D
I'm also happy as I am 85% done with ECONS INDIVIDUAL Assignment!
SO PROUD of myself!!!
Are you proud of me?
Okay, I'll end of my post with pictures and motivational qoutes :)

"Ignore those who backstab or gossip about you because ignoring isn't a sin but gossiping and backstabbing are."

"People will judge you even if you never do anything, so let's be the minority and not judge about others."

"Words and Actions are different. I prefer actions as it has more concrete evidences."

Friday, July 1, 2011


Hi, I'm Mahirah.
She's my sister, and I love her.

I'm a cancer girl.
Being emotional about small matter(s) is my forte.
Staying happy and secure about life is my weakness.
When someone told me something about my loved ones, I will be sad.
When I'm sad, I cry.
When I cry, I feel insecure.
When I feel insecure, I think about life.

This was what i thought about when I took my bath.
Why doesn't anyone in this world said they wanna make this world a better place to live in by making people find hapiness?
Why people try to fight against POVERTY, CORRUPTION, CHILD ABUSE, stand up for WOMEN to make people live better with proper morale, gender equality and have a stable state?
But never mention anything about making people feel happy with their life?
Who are we to make the non-developing countries to be more developed when we ourselves do not know true happiness in life while those in non-developing countries know about it more than us?
Who said non-developing countries are poor things/ human beings?
Well, the truth is: we are the real poor human beings who do not know anything about happiness.
Most people living in the developing countries are not that happy with their life.
And the happy ones are living in non-developing countries.
Well you may said because they have the wrong concept about life and do not know how life runs or anything close to that line..
Who are you to say that?
Who are you to judge them?
Yes, they maybe in poverty due to lack of education and wrong concept which most of us think..
But they are happy with their life.
You will say they died due to hunger, such poor thing...
We must change the way they live.
But they are HAPPY.
Happy despite only having to share one portion of rice with 10 people.
Where has Happiness got to?
I'm just wondering.
I don't mind dying of hunger, being stupid, having low IQ, doesn't know how to communicate with foreigners as long as I am happy.
Yes, I'm willing to sacrifice anything to be happy.
Sadly, happiness has lost its values in this current world.

Sorry for my bad english.
I'm weird.
I'm sure there are alot of people laughing at this post cause it's crappy.
Hey, at least I speak out my mind :)
Being a cancer is tough :(

Please visit my youtube channel, mahirah html :)

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