Haziq sms: "I still love you. But i don't think you ever love me, right? I'll still wait for you. I hope things end between you and her. " Ni lah ex ku sms ku, mahirah. Hahaha. Kekek pe? Ku leh jadi gile bace sms die. Kau dah bangun lom nie? Dah kul 12pm nie.
What is love people?
How come a 13 year old girl could sms a guy and tell him she loves him, does she really know what love is?
Love is a crucial word.
Love isn't a word that you could say to anyone.
Love comes in various forms.
Love can bring you happiness.
Yet saddness too.
Love isn't a game.
Love can be shared among others.
Love isn't something that comes into your life easily, and it's also isn't something that can be forgotten that easily.
That's all i know about Love.
Pathetic uh?
OH well.
what a nice coffee.
i wish i know how to make cappuccino like that.

why is a heart shape use to tell us that's a love sign?
hey gamblers/ casino lovers/ best dealer!
you could express your love to your loved ones with something you love to play with.

how cute!