Okay, let's do this.
Hey humans, I can't believe it's October and this is my first post for the year. LOL.
Since it's october, I shall do my favourite reads so far this year. YAY!!!
OH! OH! I am going to upload a DIY POST really really soon. KEKEKE.
Let's get started shall we?!!!!
5. Hero at the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton (5stars)
This is the last book for the Rebel at the Sands trilogy.
I am satisfied with the ending and it made me miss the characters.
Rebel at the Sands is a fantasy book which involved tales about mystical beasts and mortals. I love how Alwyn mixed story-telling with the main plot to make me understand and appreciate the history of mortals set in the nation, Miraji. Miraji has a Desert setting which is unique as we do not really have many YA fantasy which plays or revolves in such a setting.
I did not know I will be giving 5/5 for the last book because the first two books did not get the 5 from me. When I ended this trilogy, my heart feels heavy and sad to be saying good-bye to the characters. I truly love the ending and the writing is so wonderfully written and paced. Up till now, I still can remember what happened towards the end which is why this book truly deserves a 5/5 from me.
4. Books written by Fredrik Backman (5stars)
I read a total of 3 books and I adore all of them. HAHA.
I like how he includes mental health in each book and I grew to love all the characters he wrote.
It isn't easy to write a book with characters who face mental health but Fredrik has written them so well that I learn to embrace these characters with my whole heart and it feels like the characters are my friends who I need to protect at all costs.
His books are super easy to read and understand which led me to read his books back to back. LOL.
Also his book is not thick so those who like thin books, give his book a try!
3. The Kingkiller Chronicler by Patrick Rothfuss (5stars)

I've finally read the two books from Kingkiller Chronicler and I super love it.
It reminds me of The Lord of the Ring as it involves music and journey. Please note that LoR and The Kingkiller Chronicler do not have the same/ similar plot, they are absolutely different!
The main reason why I love these books is that the magical system is super unique from any fantasy books I've read. I like how every question I have will be answered as I continue to read on. And Kvothe is absolutely endearing to read. He is not your typical protagonist. Sometimes, I feel like slapping him and then I feel like hugging him. HAHAHA. I also enjoy the flashback writing style, it was transited beautifully without me getting confused if it was the past or present.
So what is kingkiller chronicler about? It is a series involving our main character, Kvothe, and his journey on why he became a powerful legend among people.
2. Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson (5stars)

This trilogy is stunning.
I enjoyed everything from this trilogy. The characters, the actions, the plot and the world are so amazingly written that I want to reread them again next year. LOL.
I don't know how to summarise this trilogy. All i can say is this trilogy is about a world involving metals and magic. HAHA. Okay, wow. I am so good at describing books.
Just read them? It's so hard to explain what this trilogy is about. All I can say is the relationships in this trilogy are fantastic and I love the main characters. I don't know why people say Six of Crows is similar to this trilogy. OH GOD. NO. It's not similar. HAHA. I don't hate Six of Crows, I love Six of Crows. It's probably the best YA fantasy I've read but please don't compare them together. Brandon Sanderson is a whole new level when it comes to building a fantasy world. Anyways, ust read the trilogy, it is absolutely perfect.
1. The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson (5stars)

I've only read the first two books from this series. They are the thickest books I've ever owed and read. LOL.
I don't know how Brandon can write such thick books and I never got bored reading them. These books are fantastic. The magical world he created in stormlight archives is crazily confusing (it meant to be as it will be slowly explained in the upcoming books). Despite it being confusing, I enjoyed reading them as I want to know more and when it was being explained, I was just mindblown and found myself nodding. It is action-packed and easy to read. I must be kidding right? 1000+ pages cannot be easy to read but trust me, it is easy to read which is why I love Brandon Sanderson.
If you're wondering what stormlight archives is about, it is a series which involves the long long long past which was distorted and we have our main characters having powers similar to old heroes. There are various types of beings in this series and they believe in different legends and pasts. Some find the old heroes to be bad while others worship and believe in them. The world is at a war setting, hence comes all the actions. The magic can get confusing but it's fine as it will be explained as you continue to read on. I can't wait to start reading oathbringer really soon despite it being 1000+ pages. I mean if 1000+ pages make me excited, it deserves a 5stars right?
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